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AG平台有限公司. 宣布将先前宣布的收购交易融资从3500万美元增加到4000万美元

不分发给美国.S. news wire services or dissemination in the United States. Toronto, ON /Marketwired/ 2016年8月26日/ – AG平台有限公司. (“公司”)(多伦多证券交易所代码:IBG)今天宣布,由于投资者的需求,公司已将其先前宣布的可转换无担保次级债券(“债券”)的发行额从35美元上调,000,本金总额为...



不分发给美国.S. news wire services or dissemination in the United States.

Toronto, ON /Marketwired/ 2016年8月26日/ – AG平台有限公司. (“公司”)(多伦多证券交易所代码:IBG)今天宣布,由于投资者的需求,公司已将其先前宣布的可转换无担保次级债券(“债券”)的发行额从35美元上调,000,本金总额为 Debentures to $40,000,本金总额为 Debentures (the “Offering”). 除了, 本公司已授予承销商超额配售选择权,最多可额外购买6美元,000,本金总额为 Debentures at the same price, 可在发售结束后的30天内随时全部或部分行权, 以弥补超额分配.

The Debentures will bear interest from the date of closing at 5.每年50%, payable semi-annually in arrears on June 30 and December 31 each year commencing June 30, 2017. The Debentures will have a maturity date of December 31, 2021 (the “Maturity 日期”).

The net proceeds of the Offering will be used to fund the partial redemption of the 公司’s 6.0% convertible debentures maturing on June 30, 2018 (the “2018 Debentures”) and for general corporate purposes. Prior to redeeming the 2018 Debentures, 公司可使用部分发行所得款项净额偿还公司优先信贷安排项下的现有债务, which amount will then be available to be drawn, 根据需要, to fund the partial redemption of the 2018 Debentures.

在到期日(以较早的日期为准)和公司指定日期之前的营业日之前的任何时间,根据持有人的选择,可将债券兑换为公司的普通股(“普通股”),转换价格约为8美元.35 per Common Share, being a conversion rate of 119.7605股普通股,每股1美元,000 principal amount of Debentures, subject to adjustment as provided in the indenture governing the Debentures. The Debentures will not be redeemable prior to December 31, 2019. 在十二月三十一日或之后, 2019年及12月31日之前, 2020, 公司可选择在不超过60天且不少于30天的提前通知,以等于其本金加上应计和未付利息的价格全部或部分赎回债券, 但在发出赎回通知日期前五个交易日结束的连续20个交易日内,该普通股在多伦多证券交易所的成交量加权平均交易价格不低于转换价格的125%. 在十二月三十一日或之后, 2020 and prior to the Maturity 日期, 公司可选择在不超过60天且不少于30天提前通知,以等于其本金加上应计和未付利息的价格全部或部分赎回债券.

Closing of the Offering is expected to occur on or about September 15, 2016. The Offering is subject to normal regulatory approvals, 包括批准多伦多证券交易所将债券上市,以及在债券转换后发行的普通股. 这些债券将在加拿大的每个省和地区以简短的招股说明书的方式提供, 并根据144A规则在美国向合格机构买家进行私募.



本新闻稿中的某些陈述可能构成涉及已知和未知风险的“前瞻性”陈述, uncertainties and other factors which may cause the actual results, performance or achievements of the 公司 and its subsidiary entities, including IBI Group or the industry in which they operate, to be materially different from any future results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by such forward looking statements. 在本新闻稿中使用时, such statements use words such as “may”, “会”, “期望”, “相信”, “plan” and other similar terminology. 这些陈述反映了管理层对未来事件和经营业绩的当前预期,仅在本新闻稿发布之日发表. These forward-looking statements involve a number of risks and uncertainties, including those related to: (i) the impact of general economic conditions; (ii) industry conditions; (iii) stock market volatility; and (iv) the failure or delay in satisfying any of the conditions to the completion of the Offering, many of which are beyond the 公司’s control. 进一步讨论影响或可能影响公司的风险因素和不确定性, 读者可参阅本公司截至12月31日的年度资料表中题为“风险因素”的部分, 2015. 新的风险因素可能会不时出现,公司管理层无法预测所有这些风险因素或任何因素或因素组合可能导致实际结果的程度, 公司的业绩或成就与前瞻性陈述中的内容有重大差异. Given these risks and uncertainties, 投资者不应过分依赖前瞻性陈述作为对实际结果的预测. 尽管本新闻稿中包含的前瞻性陈述是基于管理层认为合理的假设, 公司不能向投资者保证实际结果将与这些前瞻性陈述一致. These forward-looking statements are made as at August 25, 2016.



AG平台有限公司. (TSX:IBG) is a globally integrated architecture, 规划, 工程, 科技公司拥有超过2个,500 professionals around the world. 40多年了, its dedicated professionals have helped clients create livable, 可持续发展的, 先进的城市环境. IBI Group believes that cities must be designed with intelligent systems, 可持续建筑, 高效的基础设施, 还有人情味.




55 St. 克莱尔大道西
多伦多,ON m4v2y7


Riyaz Lalani


